At some point, everyone has felt anxious or worried about something. People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are continuously anxious or worried about a wide array of issues and often anticipate disaster or exaggerate the problem. Their worry is excessive and hard to control.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) also affects people physically. Common symptoms are sleep disturbances, muscle aches, gastrointestinal upsets, shakes or twitching, dizziness, headaches, chills, and shortness of breath. The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) fluctuate. You may notice better and worse times of the day, or better and worse days in general. And while stress doesn't cause generalized anxiety disorder, it can make the symptoms worse. If you have been an excessive worrier all your life, you most likely suffer from GAD. If these symptoms are relatively new, you should make sure there is no physical reason you are feeling this way.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is one type of therapy that is particularly helpful in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD.) Cognitive behavioral therapy examines distortions in our ways of looking at the world and ourselves. Your therapist will help you identify automatic negative thoughts that contribute to your anxiety. It is difficult for some people with generalized anxiety to calm down, relax, and feel some peace and tranquility. Strategies to peacefully calm down and relax are one part in overcoming this problem. With TERRAP, you will learn relaxation techniques as well as coping techniques to attack your anxiety and to put it in better perspective. In more severe cases of generalized anxiety disorder, medication may also be necessary. It is important that you discuss with your doctor any use of medication and to follow your doctor's advice.
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