(For appointments, please contact their office directly)

Dr. Nadine Fitoussi received her doctorate in Clinical and School Psychology from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University. Dr. Fitoussi trained at the NYU Child Study Center in Manhattan and Northwell Health’s Cohen Children’s Medical Center on Long Island (formerly Schneider Children’s Hospital). Dr. Fitoussi specializes in working with children and families. She employs a Cognitive Behavioral approach when working with children with anxiety disorders (including OCD, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, and School Phobia). Dr. Fitoussi also has experience working with children with ADHD, behavioral difficulties, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She believes in the importance of including parents in the therapy process to achieve success. Dr. Fitoussi’s warm and welcoming demeanor paired with her direct and honest approach have led to strong therapeutic relationships with her patients and gained trust of their parents.
In addition to working at TERRAP, Dr. Fitoussi is a certified School Psychologist. She has a thorough understanding of the special education process and extensive experience in psychological assessment. She routinely consults with parents about various concerns including learning difficulties, attention concerns, anxiety/sleep disturbance, and behavioral difficulties. When working in the schools, the home-school partnership is especially important.
Dr. Fitoussi has presented at conferences (on the local, National, and International level) on topics such as Anxiety, Gifted Education and addressing the needs of LGBTQ students/families. Dr. Fitoussi is also an Advisory Board Member for KiDS NEED MoRE, an organization that supports children and families coping with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.